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The scripture informs us that a word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver (Proverbs 25:11). This is a book of uplifting Christian poetry. These poems are sure to bless and inspire anyone who cares to read them. Its truths are certain to build and stimulate faith in the child of God.


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This second book continues in the same vein as the first book, Words Fitly Spoken.  This book is also intended to be inspiring, uplifting and offers encouragement for Christians as they seek to perfect their walk with God. This inspired poetry speaks of God’s mighty power, his faithfulness and his care and concern for us. Again, how appropriate are the words of the wise man Solomon, who informs us that a word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver. (Proverbs 25:11). Because this poetry is rooted in scripture it is sure to convey the unchangeable and enduring truth of God. 


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Apples of Gold is a book of twenty-eight poems meant to inspire and revitalize all who care to explore its pages. Reading this book is sure to strengthen your faith, brighten your vision and expectation for good as you explore deeper depths in God. The words of this poetry speak to the inner person as you turn each page.  This poetry affects different people in unique ways—ways that they never expected or dreamed it would. Those who are new to the faith are edified, and those who have been acquainted with the Lord a long time come away with a sharper spiritual focus.


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Words Season With Salt is a collection of twenty-one inspirational  poems designed to stir your emotions and focus your thoughts on the greatness of God. Hopefully, the poetry in this book will nurture your relationship with God and inspire and uplift you, and you in turn will inspire and uplift others. Others have found this unique and edifying poetry has spoken to them in special ways. It is my hope that you will hear the voice of God speak to your situation in the time you need encouragement the most. 


To purchase click on this Amazon link.


These fourteen poems are intended  for all ages--young and old.  At times when you need to replace the negative assessments of others with positive affirmations for yourself  I encourage you to turn to this book of uplifting poetry.   The words we speak to ourselves and the words spoken to us matter.   I hope this poetry speaks to you as it has to others in a unique and powerful way.


To purchase click on this Amazon link.




Words are so important in our lives. The words we speak to others, or the words spoken to us are powerful tools that can chart the path we travel. This is true of both positive and negative words. Words can bow us down or lift us up. Our words are a product of our thinking and a consequence of how we see ourselves and how we engage the world around us. This book of poetry is a collection of fourteen poems designed to change our thinking and the words we speak to ourselves and to others. It is my hope that this book of poetry speaks to you in a unique and compelling way.


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God speaks to us in various and unique ways. I would offer that poetry is one way that God can speak to us. Poetry, unlike any other literary work, has a unique way of speaking to us. Two individuals reading the same poem may come away with a message that is different, yet profound and enriching for each of them. This book is a collection of twenty-one poems energized by the rich and uplifting word of God. I hope you, the reader, will be inspired by the words written on these pages. Additionally, it is my desire that you will hear the voice of God speaking to you as you meditate on these twenty-one works of poetry.


To purchase click on this Amazon link.


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